Dante Alighieri

La Divina Commedia dipinta da Achille Incerti.

Milan, Mazzotta, 1988.

293 x 208 mm. 238, [2] pages. 103 coloured plates (counted in the pagination) from oil paintings executed by Achille Incerti. Editorial binding, title printed in red on the front cover and spine. An excellent copy.

The Commedia illustrated by the ‘naif' painter from Reggio Emilia Achille Incerti (1907-1988), reproducing the 103 oil paintings inspired by the Commedia. Published postumously the volume includes thirty-seven plates for the Inferno, thirty-seven for the Purgatorio and twenty-eight for the Paradiso. Incerti began to paint in the 1945, while recovering in a sanatorium in Switzerland, and to read Dante's poem shortly thereafter. The Dantean series was executed between 1968 and 1978, and firstly exhibited in Reggio Emilia in June 1984.
The text of the Commedia followsthat edited by Giorgio Petrocchi for the Edizione Nazionale published in 1966-1967. The Preface, in English and Italian, is by Petrocchi himself, who states that “Incerti's reading therefore sets itself up as, and it really is, one of the most original and at the same time faithful figurative lecturae of the Dantean poem; naturally constituing, at the same time, the latest and certainly not the lat evidence of the artistic and ideological vitaliy of the ‘sacred poem': a work which, after so many centuries, is still able to transmit, unchanged in its substance, the very deep message which inspired and sustained its conception”.